Anxiety Support Resources
At Overture, our anxiety support services take a multifaceted approach.
Why is it that two people can experience the same event yet have a response that differs so greatly? Previous opinion held that one individual was more resilient or had received more nurturing than the other. Science is becoming more aware of the impact of nutritional status and individual biochemistry. Toxic burden and epigenetics may play a role. Reflex integration and sensory processing also impact mental health, learning and resilience.
Due to our unique biochemistries, human beings have quite diverse nutritional needs. We differ in the way our bodies process foods as a result of environmental impacts on gene expression. Most of us are quite deficient in certain nutrients and overloaded in others. Scientists now recognize the role of the following in a holistic plan to address anxiety and other mental health challenges:
Neurotransmitter balance is central to all forms of anxiety. People take prescription drugs to suppress symptoms. This occurs when the amount of neurotransmitters in the nerve synapses of the brain changes. Our bodies make neurotransmitters from the amino acids we get from the proteins we eat, digest and absorb. They work as a result of reactions with vitamins and minerals or other natural elements, along with genetic activity within cells.
An individual who has sensory processing issues or has reflexes that are not well integrated may be in a constant state of fight or flight. This can lead to states of constant anxiety, depression and adrenal fatigue. Surviving in a constant state of fight or flight creates a great deal of internal stress. This depletes many essential nutrients critical for neurotransmitter balance and mental health.
Nutrient therapy can be very effective without the unpleasant side effects. Nutrient therapy can be helpful in supporting the action of pharmaceutical drugs. It can allow for a decrease in the amount of pharmaceutical medication needed to achieve benefits.
Contact us to discuss how, together with our Vancouver anxiety support services, you can change your life.
Anxiety comes in many forms and affects people of all ages and walks of life:
So what impacts an individual’s resilience in the face of stress?
In our view mental, physical, emotional and energetic health cannot be separated-they are intimately connected. To that end, our approach to anxiety support seeks to address all of these components.
I originally sought help for fibromyalgia. We addressed my food sensitivities and improved my digestion so I could absorb nutrients better, through diet changes and supplementation. In addition to an improvement in my chronic pain and sleep issues, I experienced a decrease in anxiety and mood swings and other symptoms gradually disappeared such as waking screaming and in a sweat from chronic nightmares. I added NeurOptimal neurofeedback to my regimen and this seemed to accelerate my progress. Over time I was able to significantly reduce my anxiety meds.
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Phone: 604.828.5634
Vancouver Anxiety Support Services
“Nurturing Relationships, Nourishing the Seeds of Potential.”